Donate Now
“We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill
It’s about the children. Anything and everything we do is for the children of AHOPE. The children at AHOPE have been through personal trauma and tragedy. These are children who literally have no place to go; children who are infected with HIV; children who need love, care, nurturing and hope; and children who would melt your heart with their smiles.
When you give to AHOPE you give to the children.
Click here to make a donation to AHOPE.

Make a Donation
AHOPE for Children has a funding base that includes individual, group, foundation and corporate donors, and sponsors. The needs of AHOPE for Children are vast and varied, but your gifts and talents make a difference. Select from the options below to learn more about ways that you can give to the children of AHOPE.
Monies in the AHOPE Fund (general operating fund) go towards the greatest need including but not limited to nutritious food, medical care, clothing, warm blankets and other supplies. Click here to see a full list of supplies. We are working to keep all the great programs at AHOPE running and ensure that the children are safe and healthy. Your donations make that possible.
With your help we can achieve our goal of $35,000 a month. Donations include but are not limited to corporate and foundation giving, individual gifts, planned giving, and more. Giving through Network for Good at www.networkforgood.org is a secure way to set up a one-time or recurring donation online. And if you would like to to give a donation in memory of a loved one, in honor of a special event such as a wedding or birthday, or as a meaningful holiday gift simply indicate that in “Dedication or Gift” box on the Network for Good AHOPE for Children donation page.
All donations to AHOPE for Children are tax deductible as provided under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code and receipts are provided for tax purposes.
Click here to make a donation to the AHOPE Fund.
Click here to help with the most recent supply list.

Sponsor a Child

Sponsoring a child gives a face and a story to your donation. You will be personally connected with a child at AHOPE while making a lasting investment in their future. As a sponsor you will receive a photo and an initial child report about your sponsored child. Periodic updates about your sponsored child will also be sent to you.
A suggested minimum donation of $50.00 a month or $600 a year can change a child’s life. Because this amount provides only partial support, children are usually assigned more than one sponsor. You may also give more. The sponsorship donation is tax-deductible.
You can choose to sponsor a child from Little AHOPE, our Group Home Program, or the Independent Living Program.
Click here to sign up to sponsor a child.

Cooperative Sponsorships
If your friends want to join you in the good work you are doing for AHOPE, you can set up a Cooperative Sponsorship. Share the joy of supporting a child. If you gather 10 friends together you can each pay $42.00 and sponsor one child for a year. Or if everyone pays just $42.00 each month, your group will cover a yearly sponsorship for a different child each month. That would make a huge difference!
Click here if you want to set up a cooperative sponsorship for any of our sponsorship programs.

Sponsorship Sign-up
The easiest way to sign up for any kind of sponsorship is to go to www.networkforgood.org, type in AHOPE for Children and register there.
Please Mail all Correspondence to:
AHOPE for Children
PO Box 1987
Alexandria, VA 22301
Please note: A minimum of six months is recommended for a sponsorship.
In order to avoid missing a monthly payment, please consider establishing a recurring automatic monthly payment. Payment reminders are not sent by AHOPE for Children.
Sponsors paying by check will be sent a receipt for each donation. Unless requested, receipts will not be sent from our office for monthly donations through Network for Good, where records for tax deductions are maintained for our Internet donors.

Workplace Matching Funds
Increase the impact of your contributions with matching funds from your workplace! Contact your Human Resources department to see if your company offers a corporate match and let AHOPE and HR work out all the details.
For further questions please contact Leslie Wadler at leslie@ahopeforchildren.org.

Where your money goes
When a donation is received it is processed at AHOPE for Children and dispensed to AHOPE Ethiopia for the greatest need. This includes but is not limited to:
- Food
- Clothing
- Rent
- Home Maintenance/Repair
- Utilities
- Medical Supplies
- Educational Fees and Supplies
If you want your donation to be designated to something specific in AHOPE Ethiopia whether it’s to purchase medical supplies, blankets for the children’s homes or buy books and pencils for the CDC please denote the designation in the memo of your check or on-line at eTapestry at https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/AHOPEforChildren/DonateNow.html