How You can Help
AHOPE for Children depends upon people who are nothing short of every day heroes for donations, volunteerism, community outreach and promotion. Whether raising awareness in your neighborhood by hosting a fundraiser, sponsoring a walk-a-thon type outing, or educating your co-workers, getting involved is easy.
If you want to be more involved we want to support you by providing the various tools to do so. We have all the materials you might need for any event you want to host. Please feel free to download any of these materials to introduce people to the great work going on at AHOPE:
If you are unable to download any of these materials you can email us at admin@ahopeforchildren.org, or call us at (703) 683-7500 to request promotional materials.
You can also write us to request Materials at:
AHOPE for Children
PO Box 1987
Alexandria, VA 22313

Sponsorship Opportunites
You can make a difference and sponsor a child at AHOPE. The children at Little AHOPE, our Group Homes and the Independent Living Program all need your support.
Please contact Leslie Wadler at leslie@ahopeforchildren.org to find out more about the various ways to sponsor a child at AHOPE.

Host a Fundraiser
Donations are the lifeblood of AHOPE for Children. We need all the help we can get to raise $35,000 a month to support the life-saving AHOPE programs.
A fundraiser is a great way to increase awareness and share with people the wonderful ways in which they can help the children of AHOPE. It can be as simple as chatting about AHOPE with your playgroup, card group, or hosting an event such as a small gathering at your house, restaurant or other social setting of your choice.
Learn more about how to host a fundraiser for AHOPE for Children by calling us at (703) 683-7500 or click here for downloadable promotional materials.

Race for Ahope
Calling all Athletes…
Race for AHOPE is a way for you to stay in shape and raise money. Getting sponsors for your next race is a great opportunity for you to raise significant funds and bring awareness to the kids at AHOPE Ethiopia. Simply ask your friends, family, colleagues, classmates or neighbors to donate to AHOPE for Children by supporting your race. The money raised honoring your race, will be tracked and totaled. Upon completion of your race, you will receive a breakdown of who donated and how much they contributed. Here’s how it works:
- We will advertise your race on Crowdrise at www.crowdrise.org. Your supporters can log on and type in AHOPE for Children to find out how to support you and your athletic accomplishments!
- We will also advertise on our website in Upcoming Events. That way, if it’s easier for them, your supporters can send in checks and indicate that they are cheering for you to finish your race.
- Your race will be highlighted on all of AHOPE’s social media sites including Facebook and Instagram.

Workplace Promotion
Support through workplace giving is a great way to not only support AHOPE for Children but also promote the organization to other employees. By starting a workplace giving campaign, you will make an impact on people’s lives linking generous employees with the opportunity to give back.
Many companies allow for philanthropic giving whether it be through workplace giving or “adopting” a charity. The next time you’re selecting an organization to make a collective gift to, whether it’s collecting toys for Christmas, hosting a “Back to School” drive or a general money drive, please consider AHOPE for Children.
Also, AHOPE is always in need of supplies. If you’d like to ask your work colleagues to help but don’t want to ask for money, having them bring in supplies that are sent to Ethiopia is always useful. Click here for a current list of supplies. For more information on how to organize a workplace supply drive contact admin@ahopeforchildren.org.
Often people choose to give through workplace giving programs by directing a portion of their paycheck to the charities of their choice making it the most effective and efficient form of fundraising.

Volunteer in Ethiopia
We need and welcome volunteers in Ethiopia. Volunteers are a vital part of our team and take an active part in our programs including health care, care giving, and teaching and tutoring English. If there’s a particular area you are interested in or have expertise in such as music, art or sports, there will be ample opportunity for you to develop programs and work with the children.
All of the children at Ahope Ethiopia are HIV positive. Volunteers must be medically educated and mentally prepared to work with HIV positive children. Volunteers are required to have proof of current HIV/AIDS awareness training before their application is considered complete. We can explain more about that when we talk with you about the experience.
We can only offer one guarantee…… it will change your life!
If you are thinking about giving of yourself by volunteering at AHOPE in Ethiopia or for more information about the program, contact Leslie Wadler at leslie@ahopeforchildren.org.

Do you want to be more involved in your faith community? Are you looking for ways to get out into your community? Talking to people about AHOPE for Children is a great way to start.
Give a gift of you. Click here to volunteer for AHOPE.
- RELIGIOUS OUTREACH: Talk to your faith community about opportunities in which to give back. Whether it’s collecting money or supplies with your bible study, having a second collection for AHOPE for Children during a church service, hosting a bake sale or other opportunities for outreach, every bit counts.
If you would like to support us through religious outreach click here for a list of materials available to download to make your outreach and fundraising a success.If you have additional questions or for more information contact admin@ahopeforchildren.org or call us at (703) 683-7500.
- COMMUNITY OUTREACH: There are many ways in which community outreach can benefit AHOPE for Children. Ask a local business to donate a percent of the profits for one day. Host a spaghetti dinner with the neighborhood association to collect donations and encourage families to sponsor a child. Volunteer at a booth for the neighborhood street fair. Coordinate a supply or money drive with the local swim team, friends on the playground or at the dog park.
For more ways on how to engage your community contact admin@ahopeforchildren.org or call us at (703) 683-7500.

Grant Opportunities
AHOPE for Children has an ongoing program that seeks grants and donations from individuals and organizations to support AHOPE Ethiopia. If you work for a company, organization or institution that gives grants or if you know of grant opportunities please contact us. We want to pursue every opportunity to secure resources for the children at AHOPE.
The need to grow is an urgent challenge and all sources of funding are being explored.
If you can help please contact us at admin@ahopeforchildren.org.

Educational Support
If you believe in the value of education, we agree! Education is the centerpiece of the success of the children at AHOPE. This is especially true for girls. An HIV+ girl who does not have a higher education or is not educated in a trade will likely perish under the weight of ignorance and prejudice.
Every school-age child at AHOPE attends private school. To attend school, children must have their own means of transportation, wear a uniform, purchase textbooks and pay school fees/tuition. There are tutors available after school for the children who need some extra help.
Click here if you’d like to support the AHOPE children by helping with the costs of their education.

AHOPE is in constant need of donated supplies; and in constant need of people to help us carry those supplies to Ethiopia.
The need for goods is always changing. To view our current needs, click here to see our updated supply list. All supplies can be shipped directly to:
AHOPE for Children
1727 King Street Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314
If you are traveling, or you know someone who is traveling to Ethiopia please let us know. If you’re willing to take some medical supplies or other goods, we always have plenty of provisions to send to the kids.

The children at AHOPE are no different from kids here in the U.S. They have hopes and dreams of what they want to be “when they grow up.”
If you have a specialized profession or unique talent and you would be willing to talk to a child at AHOPE who has an interest in that area, please let us know. You can contact us at admin@ahopeforchildren.org or call us at (703) 683-7500.

Social Media
Spread the word and share AHOPE for Children with your social network. Here’s how!
“Like” our page at facebook.com/ahopeforchildren1
Follow us on Instagram @ahopeforchildren
Connect with us on LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/ahope-for-children2023