Our Children's Homes
The children who come to AHOPE are HIV+. Many have watched one or more parent die from AIDS, and often they have been abandon with no family member willing or able to take care of them. AHOPE ’s children’s homes are filled with love, care and nurturing for these children. For these children who have lost so much, AHOPE is place of giving and growing. The children at AHOPE are part of the entire AHOPE family and they live in one of two homes: Little AHOPE and Big AHOPE. Currently there are 95 children in these two homes. The homes are divided based on age which allows for more appropriate activities to take place at each home. Both homes are filled with care givers who ensure each child gets some individual attention which all children need. There is also a pediatrician on staff who works part-time with the full-time nurses. Teachers, social workers/counselors and well-trained, supervised, child-care workers are also part of the staff.

Little Ahope
When you walk into Little AHOPE you are bound to be greeted with smiles and giggles; and maybe one or two shy “little ones” peeking around the corner curious about the new visitor. The children are likely playing together having fun and being silly. The children at Little AHOPE are well cared for and happy. The kids there range in age from infancy to age eleven. These babies, toddlers and young children are loved and nurtured by a dedicated staff. The little ones have playtime, they learn to walk and to speak and they dance to fun music. They are also taught basic skills to ready them for school. Children of kindergarten and early elementary school age attend Worldwide Orphans Academy. And of course they are kept safe and healthy.

Group Home
The Group Home program was developed as a means for our children between the ages of 11 and 17 to begin integrating into their community outside of school. The four Group Homes are smaller than Little AHOPE with 10 youngsters per home. The Group Homes are staffed by a Mother and Auntie who live in the home with the children. The focus of the Group Home program is to provide our children with a home environment and begin teaching basic independent living skills such as chores, helping with the cooking and following curfew. Each of the children continues to attend school; their school fees, uniforms and books are paid for by AHOPE. There are activities arranged that enable the kids to experience different aspects of what their community has to offer. This program is also about fun and friendships. Living in the Group Home enables the kids to visit friends after school and on the weekends or have their friends come to the house. This smaller, more intimate home environment, promotes a close nurturing family atmosphere for our children.

Independent Living Program
The Independent Living Program is for those young adults over the age of 18 who are ready to take the skills they have learned and live independently of AHOPE. These young men and women will continue receiving supportive services, including rent and counseling, but will be responsible for maintaining their own homes and managing their own budget.